Quick Update - All is Kinda Well
"Life be lifin' "

The last 6 weeks have been a thing.
Fortunately, I'm feeling better and am working towards a deadline (self-inflicted, of course) with Book 2. I'm talking to Tammie the editor next week.
News in the meantime:
- Had a surprise with Dad a week or so back. The pacemaker replacement got moved up 3 months to, like, now. Thankfully, it went without a hitch and he's now grappling with learning the new technology in his chest. I've learned a lot about the value of "useful denial" when dealing with illness from him. He's doing great!
- As soon as I started getting my arms around trying to manage my blood pressure, I came down with one of the respiratory viruses du jour (not COVID). I'm on the back-end of that and feeling much better.
- During the brief gap between illnesses, I managed to get fully Red Cross certified in First Aid, CPR, and AED for both Adult and Pediatric. That was a fun process. Adding one more thing to my list of skills I hope to never use.
- I've had a couple of conversations with the Virginia WIOA folks and my Ticket to Work case manager. With this latest health setback, I'm going to let things ride through the end of the year and focus on writing. The last 6 weeks have taught me that I need to re-think what I'm doing and why as I put together Act 3. That and maybe it's time to start practicing some radical acceptance.
Thanks everyone for your support over the past couple of years! It means a lot to Ryan and I.