MCL - Getting Out into The World
Wendy's recent updates on her health, book project, and career exploration.

tl;dr - Still doing well on the medication. I'm starting the process of getting off Social Security Disability.
The Zanubrutinib continues to work. Well enough that when the long-term disability insurer asked my oncologist whether I could work at the beginning of August, he said yes.
Poof - there goes 60% of my income. I won't be able to get back on that plan if things go south.
Surprised, not surprised. The insurer has been very clear that they would rather not have me on their rolls.
Also, I don't disagree with the doctor. I've been feeling good. Antsy. Hemmed in by "being sick." Tired of being fearful that if I did anything that looked like "work" that I'd lose income.
The leash has been released.
I'm ready to start writing Act 3.
I have spent the past 6 weeks learning the employment environment, getting clear on what I want to do for the final chapter of my working life, and finding resources to help me.
I'll talk more about what I've learned over the next few weeks.
Book update tl;dr - Full first draft done. Next step is to turn it into an actual book.
I had a productive discussion with the Developmental Editor in mid-August.
The first draft was, fundamentally, transcribing my journals and other random writings from August 2021 - August 2022.
We found an interesting story arc within that content, as well as some things that can be taken out.
She also found a solid start and provided thoughts around organizing the work.
I've had the book on simmer since that conversation since I've been scrambling to figure out the work thing.
Frankly, the book also needs some time to cook. Staring at old journals from a challenging time is an emotional experience. I needed some distance.
Now that I have more clarity around the career exploration path, I'll work on the next draft in October and November.
I'm personally targeting a mid to late 2024 release.
Despite everything I've been through - goals still keep me motivated.
BTW - if you are interested in my previous book, Change in 4D, it is still in publication.
If you have already read the book and are willing to give a review or a testimonial - please reach out to me via LinkedIn or email.
Thank you so much for all of your support as I continue on the cancer journey.