Change in 4D

My book CHANGE IN 4D (Atmosphere Press) is now available.
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With gratitude, Wendy M. Wickham
We are overwhelmed by changes. Changes we feel we need to make to ourselves to be more efficient, effective, energetic, and nicer to be around. Changes that others inflict on us as they pursue their agendas. Changes to the environments we work within that feel uncontrollable and unpredictable. Society asks us to “get comfortable with change.” Change, however, is a process – not an event.
Change in 4D provides a comprehensive toolkit to guide you through this process and help you make the changes you wish to make in your life. In this book, Wendy Wickham provides detailed guidance based on current behavior change research, proven practices from the fields of project management, change management, and adult education, and 20+ years in the trenches as an organizational change specialist. You will find practical tools and techniques for defining and prioritizing your goals, working with challenging people, finding resources, making time, and overcoming obstacles. This book will help raise the odds of your change sticking as you put these tools into practice, helping you become the person you want to be.